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  2. Clawhammer banjo songs
  3. C Major Chord Scales - Double C Tuning

Clawhammer banjo tablatures for C Major Chord Scales - Double C Tuning


Recomended level: Beginner

Tags: #exercises, #chord scale, #left hand, #double c

Check this out to learn how chord shapes connect to each other in C major with double C tuning.

  • Clawhammer banjo C Major Chord Scales - Double C Tuning Root Shape

    Root Shape

    This chord scale features the chords that naturally occur in the key of C major. The root notes are in the 4th string. Pay close attention to the left hand fingerings in the tab.

    Clawhammer banjo C Major Chord Scales - Double C Tuning Root Shape
  • Clawhammer banjo C Major Chord Scales - Double C Tuning 1st Inversions

    1st Inversions

    Most basic major or minor chords have 3 notes. These are referred to as the Root, 3rd, and 5th. It's also known as a triad. For example in the key of C major where the scale use...

    Clawhammer banjo C Major Chord Scales - Double C Tuning 1st Inversions
  • Clawhammer banjo C Major Chord Scales - Double C Tuning 2nd Inversions

    2nd Inversions

    The second inversion chords are a little tougher to play than the others. Take your time and use the fingerings listed in the tab.

    Clawhammer banjo C Major Chord Scales - Double C Tuning 2nd Inversions